

How Blockchain Is Being Applied to Human Rights
Blockchain may not be a panacea to the all the world’s problems but there are many areas where it shows potential. Perhaps one of the most important is human rights. According to a 2014 report by Freedom House, only 40 percent of the world live in “free” countries....
UBS: Can Crypto and Blockchain Be Separated?
Well into the second half of 2018 and it’s been a white-knuckle roller coaster ride for most. With Ether shedding 44 percent of its value in just two weeks and the media speaking of a Bitcoin bubble, is it possible to lose faith in crypto but remain bullish on...
Crypto Regulation: Everything You Need to Know
Cryptocurrency The meteoric rise of cryptocurrencies has taken the world by storm. Innovators, investors, users, and governments are scrambling to wrap their heads around cryptocurrency and the blockchain technology that they rely upon. The emergence of a new market...

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