Dogecoin is an open-source peer-to-peer digital currency. Part meme, part functional token, part legend in the cryptocurrency community, Dogecoin makes for an interesting case study. Dogecoin is like the class comedian who got kicked out of school for making jokes who...
Most Common Cryptos that Circle the CBD Space
Cannabidiol, or CBD for short, has long been lauded for its potential significant medical benefits and pain-reducing aspects. But for all of its popularity and trendiness, CBD is still largely misunderstood by population masses and regulators alike. Although the...
NEO Global Capital on Cryptocurrency Investment
NEO Global Capital Interview If you’re reading this, chances are you have experience or are interested in trading or investing in cryptocurrency assets such as NEO Global Capital Chances are pretty high that a majority of our readers have invested a number anywhere...
UBS: Can Crypto and Blockchain Be Separated?
Well into the second half of 2018 and it’s been a white-knuckle roller coaster ride for most. With Ether shedding 44 percent of its value in just two weeks and the media speaking of a Bitcoin bubble, is it possible to lose faith in crypto but remain bullish on...
Crypto Regulation: Everything You Need to Know
Cryptocurrency The meteoric rise of cryptocurrencies has taken the world by storm. Innovators, investors, users, and governments are scrambling to wrap their heads around cryptocurrency and the blockchain technology that they rely upon. The emergence of a new market...